It is customary before each meeting of council to have an invocation. At this meeting the call for support was given by Reverend Ron Short.
The Fire and Brimstone presented at this meeting seemed entirely out of place, inappropriate, exclusive and unwelcoming to this member of the audience. Readers can form their own opinion by watching the video of the meeting on the City's website.
5.1 Chris Ayling of Cranbrook Connected Update
Chris Ayling accompanied by Dana Osiowy gave an overview of Cranbrook Connected ongoing work. Dana Osiowy has been hired by the City to oversee the implementation of the Integrated Sustainability or Cranbrook Connected Plan. Ayling felt many goals had been achieved including a local media campaign. A record of the work completed by Dana Osiowy will be on the Cranbrook Connected website later this week.
Council Enquiries
Councillor Warner had two enquiries from the public.
One regarded when road work was to begin. Engineer Hodge answered that road work on designated roads was to begin by the end of this week.
The second enquiry concerned the Heritage Status of the old Central School, now Tembec Building. This building does not have heritage status. A motion was made to refer this item back to administration for more
information and procedure. Councillors Scott and Pallesen voted against this.
7.1 Administration Updates
CAO Staudt reported on the following items.
Tim Hortons raised approximately $11,500 at the 2 Cranbrook locations. 4 Cranbrook children were able to attend camp. Tim Hortons partners with Big Brothers and Sisters for this camp.
Community Builder of the Year Committee - challenges attracting volunteers for this committee.
Discussion followed this item as the city had advertised for volunteers for the committee on several occasions. It was felt by Councillor Pallesen that maybe the responsibility for choosing the Community Builder of the Year should go to the Chamber of Commerce. It was eventually decided to award the job to the Cranbrook Connected Committee.
Public Works estimates that the labour cost to the department due to the storm were $22920. Public Works received 220 calls for tree pickup by August 1. The Cranbrook Golf Club lost 173 trees
Approximately 590 insurance industry claims were made by local residences and businesses in the 10 days following the storm Claims could reach $2 million.
EBA Engineering undertook field work to complete a Dam Safety Review of the Phillips Dam and the Joseph Creek Dam. More extensive work is required. Public Works does not have the professional skill set or qualifications to undertake even a preliminary assessment of slope stability.
Taxation Impact on Major Industrial Properties - UCBM has commissioned a study to assess the impact of property taxation on business decisions. There are no major industrial properties within the City of Cranbrook city limits.
Rails to Trails Advisory Committee has formally created a Society. The intent of the society will be taking on the day to day maintenance of the facility.
Mixed Martial Arts event to take place at the RexPlex September 8, 2012
Community Produce Garden - installation of irrigation pipes and perimeter fencing is complete. The public is invited to attend the open work bees on Tuesday nights, from 7-9pm, throughout the summer
New Library Hours changing on Sept. 4, 2012 to be open 7 days a week and 5 nights a week.
M-F 9am-8pm
Sat. 9am-5pm
Sun. 12pm-5pm
The city has applied a for a grant for a washroom renovation in the library.
9.1 UBCM ALC Changes Agricultural Land Commission Changes including measure to better protect farmland and to generate more revenue.
9.2 Pre-budget Consult -Federal Govern. Budget Consultation
9.3 UBCM Community Forum Program
9.4 Climate Action Program
9.5 ANKORS - 13th Annual Aids Walk on Sunday Sept. 16
9.6 Request for Food Drive - Church of Latter Day Saints request a food drive starting on August 16
9.7 Parking Issues
9.8 Mountain View Parking Issues - Mountain View requesting No Parking signs be installed on 23rd Ave. North and for the No Parking to be in effect all year.
9.9 Breastfeeding Week - Request for Proclamation
9.10 International Day of Peace - Request for Proclamation
Business Arising
10.1 Privatization Liquor Outlets - Resolution that the City of Cranbrook write a letter to Minister Margaret MacDiarmid, opposing the privatization of the LDB with copies to Premier Clark and EK MLA Bill Bennett.
This issue was also reported under the previous post.
Councillor Pallesen speaking as a business owner was not in favour of this letter. Both she and Councillor Scott voted against the resolution which did pass.
10.2 UBCM Conference
Mayor Stetski reported that the Mayors of medium size communities will gather on the Monday of UBCM week to discuss common problems such as infrastructure and need for funding.
New Business
12.1 Mayor's Brown Bag Lunch July 17
The future of the old electrical building behind City Hall was discussed.
More history of that building has since been revealed and a decision will be made soon as to its future. There is a previous post on that building on this blog.
Tembec/Central School - Catherine Myer suggested the City partner with some sort of business to retain this important building for all citizens to enjoy.
12.2 Key City Theatre Community Day
12.3 Proposed Boundary Expansion - request by the owner of land located at 1701 - 17th Street South to be included within the City of Cranbrook boundaries.
This resolution passed but not without considerable debate about the piecemeal inclusion of properties into the city. This process will be reviewed in the OCP review process.
12.4 Highway 3-95 Committee - Recommendation to adopt the terms of reference
This Committee will look into potential and extra improvements to the Highway 3-95 corridor.
Councillor Davis could not accept the terms of reference as presented as he felt more business representation need to be on this committee. An amendment to increase the committee number to 10 was passed and the amended resolution carried.
12.5 Downtown Commercial Development Permit - Recommendation to approve a Permit to enable redevelopment of property located at 40-12 Avenue North.
This involves the little brown house with the distinct roof line across from the library.
12.6 Development Variance Permit Selkirk Signs - Recommendation for relaxation of Bylaw to decrease the required rear yard setback.
12.7 Aquifer Protection Development Permit Selkirk Signs
12.8 Industrial Development Permit Selkirk Signs
These last two recommendations were tabled for more review.
12.9 Parks and Opens Spaces
Maryse Leroux has developed a commemorative plaque policy for use in City Parks. The edifice in Rotary Park was designed to be the backdrop for such plaques and when nominations are made they will need to adhere to the new policy.
13.1 Bylaws 3740 DDC's. Second and third readings
Amended and passed.
13.2 Bylaws 3744 Solid Waste
The bag limit has now been reduced to three. Councillor Pallesen commented she was pleased it had been increased form the initial recommendation of two. It was also pointed out that extra bag tags could be purchased at City Hall for $1.50