Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Cranbrook's Infrastructure Report Cards

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  1. Residents hopefully understand that the progressive neglect of the paved roads in Cranbrook will end up costing taxpayers more in the end. The high cost of repairs is in road bases. If cracks and potholes are not rehabilitated in a timely manner, water infiltrates the base and causes expensive damage. Sort of like the roof on your house, if it leaks and you do not repair it promptly, the whole house is in danger of rotting. Base aggregates can be washed out and asphalt leaches off from underneath. Despite all the money being spent on landscaping and flowers, Cranbrook has become the pothole capital of Canada, for lack of maintenance and repair. Given the ground conditions in the area, Cranbrook needs to spend more, not less, on street paving. Savings in safety, future maintenance and less damage to vehicles will offset paving costs. Tell the mayor and council.

  2. It is also important to understand that most of the trees, shrubs and flowers that have been planted in the last ten years have been paid for by businesses, grant monies obtained by Communities and Cranbrook in Bloom and a lot of sweat equity from volunteers. While I cannot speak for the City, when road building and maintenance in the past has not adhered to good standards and there is a limited amountof tax money, it takes time to completely re-engineer and rebuild to a better standard. Most would agree with you that we need to spend a lot more but substantial funds are required to do that. While small amounts of money invested in making the town more attractive for visitors and residents alike, might appear to be frivolous, their total dollar sum likely would not begin to deal with the problem Cranbrook has with infrastructure. You yourself might like to find out more and make some suggestions by talking with Mayor and Council at a Brown bag Lunch or at Coffee with the Mayor.

  3. As long as business are using profits for shrubs and flowers (promotion) taxes are not collected for road maintenance priority. Cranbrook will end up paying more because the infrastructure is being damaged by the neglect. If the city wants lower taxes and frankly fewer automotive repairs they need to fix the roads. Every other city (including Prince George) does a better job than Cranbrook. Not many will come here or live here until you do. No college town, no tourism, no livability. You also have serious drainage issues around town. And, get the railroad to fix the crossing on King Street.
