Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Building Green

Calgary Water Centre
We have the technology to build more green buildings but why, for the most part, are we still building traditionally?  Much of the push back against going green is the perception of cost. Done right most of these green building premiums are recovered over the lifetime of the building.  When Calgary architect Jeremy Strugess designed the Calgary Water Centre he was allocated $200 per square foot.  This meant making some choices around simplifying the building but every cent saved was put into leading edge technologies and smart design choices regarding energy and water savings.  Lets look at a life-cycle costing method rather than the first cost decision making used today.  Instead of a 20 year building (the industry average for government/commercial buildings) the architect, Jeremy Sturgess believes this building is good for at least 50 years and probably much longer. Building Green is  good for the environment and our bottom line.
To learn more go to the Canada Green Building Council web site

Monday, November 29, 2010

THANK YOU to all the Cranbrook Winter Market Vendors

The Murdochs

Ruth Heath

Scott Buxton

Kim Leischner

Brenden Gillan

Derek Johnson

Patti Mann and Erna Jensen-Schill, Market Manager

Bev and Barry Timpany

Sharon Cross and customers
The first Cranbrook Winter Market from all accounts was a huge success. From opening to close the atmosphere was abuzz with a LOT of people showing enthusiasm for being able to buy locally made gifts and products. Over fifty vendors were selling everything from the fattest parsnips to the most delicate earings. A big Thank You Erna and all the vendors who made this market a reality, provided community spirit and breathed some life into a sad and lonely building
Thanks also to the musicians

Chris and Shannon, Purcell Organics

Thank You to all involved and WELL DONE.

Hurry back.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cranbrook's Santa Claus Parade


Aspire Dance
CONGRATULATIONS on your First Place in Parade

Councillor Bob Whetham handing out candy

Friday, November 26, 2010

Cranbrook's Christmas Season Begins

Don't miss Cranbrook's first fabulous Winter/Christmas Market.  Old Supervalu building Baker St.
10:00am - 3:00pm  Saturday November 27th






Liana's bears

Gem Soaps

Parsnips, beets, teas and more

Bamboo Flutes

A perfect start to the Christmas Season.....lots of snow, good temperature, great community spirit, Santa Parade and a Winter Christmas Market.

300 years of Fossil Fueled Addiction

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What’s Happening

Friday November 26th
Farmer’s Winter Market
and Saturday November 27th 10:00 am to 3:00pm
in the former Supervalu Building
Baker St, Cranbrook

Friday November 26th
Santa Claus Parade
Bring a donation or food item for the Food Bank

Friday November 26th and Saturday November 27th
"It’s a Wonderful Life"
Cranbrook Community Theatre
Studio Stage Door
Tickets $15 at the door and at Lotus Books

Friday November 26th and Saturday November 27th
Jeannette Oostlander Art Show
Day’s Inn
5:30 – 9:30pm Friday
10:00am – 4:00pm Saturday

Friday November 26th
Beth Crawley and Friends
Ali Bba’s Lounge
Finnegan’s Pub

Friday November 26th
Artrageous Gallery
Public Reception 6:00- 9:00pm
Silent Auction on Twice Loved Art
Members Exhibition ongoing

Saturday November 27th
Woodworking on the Road
Chip Carving Workshop
11:00am – 3:00pm Cranbrook and District Arts Council

Monday November 29th
Friends of the Cranbrook Library
7:00pm COR Lecture Theatre
El Camino de Santiago with
Lorna Locke and Suzanne McAllister

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cranbrook's Urban Forest

This past summer we posted an article entitled ‘The Value of a Tree’. It has been a great year for Cranbrook’s Urban Forest and to see the value of trees being recognised and acted upon truly makes a person more optimistic. As well as the environmental benefits trees provide there is the ‘feel good’ aspect of being around plants of all kinds that makes any city more welcoming. One of the reasons may be what is known as ‘race memory’. In humans’ hunter-gatherer days, trees provided security and a place to hide from enemies. There is still something about sitting under or beside a tree that makes a person feel safer. Any gardener will tell you what a stress release and calming influence plants are. Working with the soil and knowing plants puts a person in touch with our planet and its natural cycles. By the number of positive comments heard over the summer and fall about the greening up of our city, it is obvious that even to non-gardeners. plant life helps sustain their well-being.

The City of Cranbrook Public Works Department has planted at least 75 new trees this season and the College of the Rockies has recently added more to its new landscaping. Cranbrook at one time had a separate Parks Department with its own greenhouses and full time city gardeners such as Bob Willis. To see a return to serious horticultural management within the city is encouraging. Our Urban Forest is now once again under the watchful eye of three qualified horticulturists and arborists and once again we can be optimistic that our urban forest will continue to sustain us in more ways than one.

'Autumn Blaze' Maples, Baker Park 


City Crew planting the columnar Red Maples on the strip in the Spring

Balled and burlapped trees awaiting planting at The College of the Rockies

The most recent additions to the urban forest are the trees planted beside the renovated, new home for part of the East Kootenay Credit Union.  In this picture Don Holt assists in the planting.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Post Notes from the Council Meeting of November 22nd

From the Delegations

Tara Szkorupa’s delegation for the Rocky Mountain Naturalists consisted of an update on the Elizabeth Lake Restoration project. Neil Muth’s delegation on the Annual Review of the Columbia Basin Trust followed. This was a perfect combination of a glimpse into the financial structure of the Columbia Basin Trust and an excellent example of how the investment monies work in the form of grants for citizens’ groups. Tara showed photos of the before and after of the Rocky Mountain Naturalists work at Elizabeth Lake. Many volunteers have completed the natural habitat and path renewal with materials purchased with grant monies. Thanks to those many volunteers’ hard work and the Columbia Basin Trust, Elizabeth Lake now has less non-native species of plants, more native grasses, young shrubs and trees as well as better chip covered, designated paths for walking.

Council Enquiries

Councillor Whetham asked on behalf of a Fort Steele Resident, why the cattle were still being sprayed with effluent at the end of August. Jamie Hodge City Engineer explained this was a mistake and a problem with the pivots, which did not switch themselves off. It has since been fixed.

Administration Updates

It was good to see Eric Sharpe’s presentation on road improvements and encouraging to hear how much thorough road reconstruction was achieved this summer with a budget of just over three million dollars. Many of the roads that were resurfaced were also rebuilt with more appropriate substructure and in some cases new water mains. It was also good to hear that the removed asphalt is being stockpiled for reuse elsewhere when appropriate.

Waste Water Update

It was very disappointing that the much anticipated scheduled update by Jamie Hodge, City Engineer, on the Waste Water Upgrades was partially held over until next council meeting. A failure in technology prevented a full viewing and explanation of the new systems currently being put in place.

Leisure Services

It is anticipated the refurbished Memorial Arena will be reopened by the third week of December

New Business

An item concerning an application for subdivision of the lot/s on which the empty Mitsubishi building exists was somewhat confusing.  It appeared as though preliminary approval of the application was given but that there was a lot of concern around maintaining parking should another dealership take over this property.


Anticipated Revenue Borrowing Bylaw No. 3713 was adopted. This is possibly an interim financing, regular type of borrowing.

Round Table Comments

Both Councillor Whetham and Councillor Wavrecan commented on their attendance at the lecture by Architect Jeremy Sturgess.

Councillor Wavrecan commented he heard Jeremy Sturgess say in order to have sustainability you need to have growth.

For the record:

When asked about the reconciliation of the words growth and sustainability and the fact that it has been said by a few Cranbrook residents that ‘to not grow is to die’, Jeremy Sturgess said,

“Sustainability does not mean not growing. In fact I think sustainability is about growing. It is just about growing in a measured way. Measured doesn't mean less. It means with custodianship.” About sprawl, he said, “If it’s not greed, it’s waste”

Councillor Whetham also mentioned his meetings with the residents of Slaterville over the last few months.  The stage is now almost set, financing permitting, for the beginnings of some planning for this rather neglected but historical corner of Cranbrook.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gimme Shelter

Over 200 people gathered at the Key City Theatre on a cold Saturday night in Cranbrook for a fundraiser for The Refuge, the men's cold weather shelter.
Artists such as Van Redecopp, Red Girl, Keith Larsen, The Evergreens, and Potluck Steve provided an exceptional evening of music for a great cause. While over $4000 was raised this only provides a small portion of the funds required to keep the refuge open.  As well, the Refuge only provides a warm place to sleep on a cold night. It is not able to provide the skills and assistance that could help these men get off the street permanently. The Salvation Army and the Cranbrook Community Foundation are working towards building a more permanent shelter which will be able to provide a more comprehensive program. Until then, the work of the Refuge is vital to providing a warm place to sleep in the cold winter months ahead.
If you would like to make a donation to the mens refuge please contact Sarah Marriott 250-919-2154 or at

Advance City Council Meeting Notes

City Council will be meeting held tonight at City Hall at 6pm.


Two Delegations will be making presentations tonight including Columbia Basin Trust regarding their annual report and the Waneta Expansion Project Update.  As well, Tara Szkorupa of the Rocky Mountain Naturalists will be making a presentation regarding their work at Confederation Park.


There are several interesting pieces of correspondence including a letter by the Putting a Book Under Every Tree Project which is being organized by a variety of local organizations including the Salvation Army, the Cranbrook Public Library, the Columbia Basin Trust Alliance for Literacy, Sunrise Rotary, and the Power Pioneers.  The goal of the project will be to provide all children with books under the Christmas Tree. They are asking the City of Cranbrook to be able to put a donation box at the entrance of City Hall. FYI There are other donations sights such as Key City Theatre, COTR, and the library. So if you can, please donate a book or two to this wonderful cause.

Other correspondence included concerns about the lighting around Mt. Baker High School and finally a letter from Fred Hoeschmann advising the city that the Downtown Business Association is donating the physical assets to of the Arches Project to the City of Cranbrook.  What a wonderful gift to the City of Cranbrook!


Council is being asked to send a letter supporting the UCBM recommendations regarding the RCMP.  The two key issues include the rapidly rising cost of the police services and the lack of accountability to local municipalities. The council is being asked to support this resolution and it will be interesting to see if it generates any discussion.  Certainly policing is vital to this community and issues of RCMP accountability have been a growing concern all around this province.

Council is being asked to approve a Commercial Development Permit to subdivide the old location of the Mitsubishi Motors which is in the same development that includes the TD Bank and Hot Shots Cafe. This would make this land more sellable according to the applicant.


A good part of this concerns the Engineering Department including an update on the Waste Water Improvement Program.  Jamie Hodge Director of Engineering Services will provide a Powerpoint presentation.
See Saturday's (November 20th) post for photographs and short explanation of this project which is costing taxpayers a substantial sum of money.


Council will be voting on By-law 3117 which would provide the City of Cranbrook with the ability to borrow more monies in possible anticipation of cash flow problems over the Waste Water Improvements which have been ongoing. We do not know this yet.  Remember, its your money!
Why not spend your Monday evening with us at the Council meeting. The decisions made at council have a  a real effect on you.  See how your tax dollars are spent.

If you have not yet completed your Cranbrook Connected questionnaire information gained at council might help put issues into perspective.

If you would like to read the entire council package then please go here