Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Toronto to narrow traffic lanes

When intersections were narrowed in downtown Cranbrook, many did not feel it was a good idea but the concept was planned to slow down traffic and indeed it works.  It would appear big cities know this too.

Several of the city's traffic lanes will soon be narrowed in an attempt to increase safety by slowing down drivers.
Wide lanes make drivers feel comfortable speeding, because they have a large cushion around their vehicles. Reducing lane width would make drivers automatically slow down, as they have less room to move to either side, a city official told CTV Toronto.
The lanes will be narrowed by adding bike lanes or widening sidewalks, so lanes are between 3 and 4.3 metres wide.

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