Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What's Happening

Thursday, April 19

Breaking Barriers
The Get Bent Bollywood Belly Dancers will perform
at the Key City Theatre 7:30pm
Tickets are $25 at the door
Proceeds support youth leadership and cultural arts programs

Cyber Bullying
Constable Lisa Schlatter will speak on Cyber Bullying
College of the Rockies 7pm

Kootenay East NDP present Poor No More
Manual Training Centre 7pm
Call Norma for more information 250-489-3408

Friday, April 20

Fire It Up - Johnny Reid
Cranbrook Rec Plex 7:30pm
Tickets available at the Rec Plex

Saturday, April 21

Downtown Goes Wild
Wildsight is celebrating Earth Day
Rotary Park from 1-4pm
Activities include a bike circuit, live music, and an archery demonstration

Wildsight presents Scott Niedermayer
on the Wilds of the Kootenays
Includes slideshow by renown wildlife photographers, Brad Hill
Call Erna Jensen-Shill for more information 250-427-9360

Desiderata Dance Academy and Peak Danceworks present
"I hope you can dance" at Key City Theatre
Tickets are $17 adults, $12 students.

Sunday April 22

Concert Pianist Dharel Vervill in performance
Key City Theatre 3pm
The performance will be filmed for "On The Shore of Dreams",
a major motion picture production
Tickets are $12 adults, $6 seniors and students at the KCT boxoffice

Monday, April 23

Performing Arts Piano
Piano competition concludes the EK Performing Arts Festival
College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre today through Thursday, April 26
Open to the Public
Call Lorraine for more information 250-480-2609
Tickets are $25 and available from Lotus Books

Tuesday, April 24

Blackie and the Rodeo Kings
Key City Theatre 7:30pm
Tickets are $35 plus HST
KCT Box office or call 250-426-7006

Wednesday, April 25

Mark Casey at Hot Shots (on Victoria)
Benefit for the Cranbrook and District Arts Council
Starts at 7pm
Admission by donation
Call CDAC at 250-426-4223 for more information


  1. A famous quote is being heard across the Kootenays. 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! I will no longer stand in the shadows and watch as Wildsight continues its campaign of opposition to all things that don't match the left wing, anti-human philosophy of their American puppeteers. Wildsight receives over 70% of its funding from US foundations that are determined to inflict their ideology on the economy of this region and Canada as a whole. Wildsight should come clean about their true political motives and quit this silly charade of bringing a retired hockey celebrity to Cranbrook just so they can gather a crowd for the purpose of selling memberships and growing their influence. Those who choose to attend the Wildsight Earth Day celebrations should ask some very pointed questions of Wildsight. Can anyone remember when the last time was their millions of tax free US dollars were used to help create jobs in the Kootenays? Can they show any significant project they've ever supported that in turn created jobs or helped the economy. Maybe ask them why they received $15,000 last November from Wilburforce; a US foundation? It was granted to Wildsight "To support Wildsight’s efforts to develop a broader audience and more positive support in the communities in which they work in southeast BC". It had nothing to do with species at risk or acquiring valuable habitat; it is being used solely to promote their image and attract celebrities to their cause. When you start to spend grant money on the cosmetic look and feel of your organization you soon lose sight of what you were trying to do in the first place. So on Wildsight funded Earth Day when you are having the wine and cheese at the gala event or chewing on that hotdog in the park, remember who funded it and what the underlying purpose is. With the tax free millions they have received you'd think they could do better for this region and our country as a whole.

    1. Right on, Wildsight has lost sight of what they originally started and now they are just money hungry. More people need to ask where the money comes from and what they are using it for. We have enough unemployment in the valley without Wildsight adding to it.
