Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cranbrook's Draft Budget Soon Ready for Public Input

The last of several council draft budget meetings was held on Monday February 25th.  The draft budget will soon be ready for public perusal and it will then go through the normal process of readings and adoption at regular council meetings. 

This last session included the discussion of surplus funds.  The issue of $60,000 in more funds to complete the upgrading and welcome for the West Entrance was discussed once more.  The motion to provide the extra funding passed with Councillor Davis and Pallesen opposed.

The topic of user fees for Western Financial Place and Leisure Service activities provided some debate.  Mayor Stetski spoke to the ‘two tier system’ and suggested that the system be changed on a trial basis to accommodate uniform fees for city dwellers, area C residents and tourists.  He proposed that the fees be the same, no matter where you live, for a period of one year because he felt the financial gain may well be equivalent to the cost of extra staff time in administering the current system and the loss of customers due to the current system.  He said he would also enter into discussion about cost sharing with the RDEK on the basis of something more palatable than the lump sum payment that was proposed at the time of the Rec Plex referendum. 

Chris New, Director of Leisure Services gave an overview of the difficulties staff has in dealing with the current system. He also stated the system used in Cranbrook is an exception within the province.

Councillor Scott felt reinstating the current system if it was necessary, would be difficult after a year.  She also pointed out city residents in effect might pay the same as those from outside the city as city residents pay taxes.  Both Councillors Davis and Pallesen expressed difficulty accepting that city residents would be subsidising area C residents.  Councillor Warner pointed out we do not have a two-tier system for hockey games or other entertainment in Western Financial Place.  Mayor Stetski repeated that he felt it was time to offer an olive branch and embark on a plan to do away with the current system.  A change would in fact show that Cranbrook is welcoming and open for business. Councillor Cross suggested maybe a shorter trial period might be more acceptable to some Councillors – a special promotion for the summer for example as this would give a snapshot of the difference in attendance to Leisure Services activities.

Council agreed to look at more options and to bring this item back to a regular council meeting.

Cranbrook operates a different fee system for non-Cranbrook residents as non-residents did not contribute to the cost of building and do not contribute to the cost of operating Western Financial Place.  This building runs at a 3 million dollar a year deficit but serves all area residents and visitors to our city.


  1. Good for you, Mayor Stetski - It is about time this was done.

  2. I agree!! It's time to move forward, TOGETHER!!

  3. It would be nice to know how many Area C residents use the current "two-tier" system now. During the "tier holiday" track how many Area C folks attend as compared to the same time over the past several years. If more come out, and revenues increase as a result, that will settle the issue as far as I'm concerned.
