5.0 An extra delegation from the Committee to Restore the Armond presented their exciting vision combined with that of the Youth Arts Centre, for the Armond Building. This delegation was invited to present after a previous presentation the same day. The presentation was given by Jenny Humphrey, Colleen Osiowy and Alysha Seriani.
A further more detailed article will be posted at a later date
5.1 Karin Penner, Chamber of Commerce
Lana Kirk and Dave Butler gave an overview of their activities and benefits to and within the business community. They also spoke of the Cranbrook 'Royalty' progam, Sam Steele Days and the leadership they are able to provide.
Councillor Warner questioned the statement made by Ms Kirk that the Chamber is non-partisan. He commented on the HST issue and that we do not see members of the opposition speaking at Chamber Lunches. It was pointed out that those who ran in the election did step down for the period of their campaigns and that speakers generally come from the party in power.
5.2 Operation Street Angel
Debbie Whitehead and Gary Dalton gave an overview of the Street Angel program, how it assists with those homeless and underpriveleged within our city. The need has proven to be so great that the location has been expanded. Counselling into the various agencies and services is given. The bare necessities of warmth, shelter and food are also provided.
5.3 Jim and Laura Duncan, Mainstreams Environmental Society RE: Joseph Creek
Jim and Laura Duncan explained how with so many financial cuts from government, it is citizens who are stepping up and performing the essential work previously carried out by those employed by various agencies. With professional bodies overseeing this work, very professional results have been obtained. The clear and professional documents displayed, demonstrated the deteriorating state of Joseph Creek from its source through to the lower reaches before it enters St Mary's River. It was apparent the creek becomes more impaired as it travels through town. The rise in water temperature due to removal of creekside vegetation prevents healthy spawning of native species of fish. Much work has been accomplished to improve the health of the creek but 'Mainstreams' would like to work more closely with the city to continue restoring this waterway.
Administration Updates
This report was summarised in yesterday's post or can be read in its entirety at:
These items were listed in yesterday's post or can be read at:
9.6 Letter from Michael Burnham re: expressing his concern over the amount of time Council has spent on approving a sign request from a local business
This letter prompted a brief discussion. Mayor Stetski pointed out that this issue is not as simple as it seems and he also pointed out to the author of the letter that he, indeed does have a vote. Councillor Scott also commented at more length about the issue of decisions such as this.
9.7 Letter from Life Committee, Cranbrook Srs. Association requesting $15000 from the City of Cranbrook
Request denied at this time.
9.8 Letter requesting the paving of 11th Ave South
Referred to Cranbrook in Motion Committee
9.9 Letter re: family physicians
There was general discussion around this topic and how it directly relates to new tourism and marketing strategies underway. There was empathy for those affected and hope that new marketing might assist with this problem which is not unique to Cranbrook.
9.10 Request to proclaim April 27 Daffodil Day and the month of April Daffodil Month by the Canadian Cancer Society
Business Arising
10.1 Report recommendation from the CAO re: NorthStar Rails to Trails Trans Canada Trail Designation
Councillor Whetham was pleased to see the 'automatic renewal' embedded in the document as this will save time, energy and money.
Committee Recommendations
11.1 Report recommendation from the Corporate Service Department re: appointment to Community Builder of the Year Committee - Cranbrook Connected Representative
Councillor Pallesen questioned why a Chamber member was replaced with a representative from Cranbrook Connected. She stated she did not understand the correlation between sustainability and community builder. This was further explained.
Jeannette Sissons appointed
11.2 Report recommendations from the Corporate Service Department re: Cranbrook in Motion Committee Recommendations
These recommendations were not accepted and instead deferred for more investigation. Signage to the City Campground was one item and Mayor Stetski challenged committee members to follow the existing directions when entering the city from the east. He also questioned whether the Farmer's Market Committee had been consulted about how they felt about signage. The Committee will take another look at these items.
New Business
12.1 Report Recommendations from Corporate Communications re: Corporate Services Strategy
$40,000 item involving different means of communication. Council voted to remove this item at this time from the budget and to look at less expensive ways to receive resident satisfaction survey results.
12.2 Report Recommendations from Corporate Communications re: low flow toilet rebate program
This program will continue.
12.3 Report Recommendation from Corporate Services: RDEK Referral Zoning Amendment Bylaw
This was not approved as there is no independent access.
12.4 Report Recommendation from Corporate Services: Appointment to the Cranbrook in Motion Committee - RCMP
Brenden McKenna appointed as RCMP representative.
12.5 Report Recommendation from Corporate Services Liquor Control and Licensing Wildstone Golf Course Outdoor Patio
12.6 Report Recommendation from Corporate Services: Commercial Facade Development Permit
Approved. This will see a separate outside entrance to a new 'Bulk Barn' store.
12.7 Report Recommendation from Corporate Services: Highway Corridor Development Permit
Approved for Target which will open in May of 2013
12.8 Report Recommendation from Corporate Services: Multi Family Residential Permit 30th Ave North.
12.9 Report Recommendation from the Engineering Department: Electronic Changeable Copy Sign
Considerable discussion resulted in referral for the drawing up of policy to deal with such electronic signage.
Councillor Cross moved that in light of a report drafted several years ago but never acted upon regarding recommendations for improvement to the City's sign bylaw that the bylaw be made priority and be redrafted. Councillors Pallesen Scott and Warner voted against this. A tie vote (Councillor Davis absent) resulted in the motion being defeated. The alternative recommendation from administration was moved by Councillor Pallesen. This motion stated
That administration be directed to develop a policy for consideration by Council related to the conditions for use and placement of Electronic Changeable CopySign/Electronic Bulletin Boards/LED Variable Message Advertising Signs. This motion carried. This policy will neither approve or disapprove the application by Minute Muffler for such a sign.
Further discussion noted that the sign bylaw will become a priority and will take approximately three months to complete. There will be public input into this bylaw.
12.10 Report Recommendation from Leisure Services Committee: Outdoor Lacrosse Box
There was debate concerning the huge size of the concrete slab required and maintenance costs for this facility. A tie vote resulted in the recommendation being defeated. Councillors Cross, Warner and Whetham voting against. Alternatives will need to be investigated.
Five Year Financial Plan to be presented to Council for First, Second, and Third reading 3741-2012
Second reading of an amendment to the Official Community Plan to change land use designation from "Core Commercial" to 'Low Density Residential' and first and second reading of the proposed amendment to change the zoning designation from C-1 to R-1 for property located at 134-5th Avenue South.