Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Not a Cosy Starter Home eh? Fire Hall in Cranbrook

Seems our currently taxpayer owned heritage Firehall, once destined to be the cosy for-ever home of  the Cranbrook and District Arts Council has caught the eye of several provincial newspapers. A large sign has now appeared beside the building.  The long held dream of Cranbrook and District Arts Council, squashed by Cranbrook City Council, appears to be destined to become someone else's.

Collecting data on Lake Koocanusa

The Story of a Once Wild River: Collecting Data on Lake Koocanusa 

by By Heather Leschied, Program Manager

From my viewpoint looking out over Lake Koocanusa, I can’t help but imagine this landscape; pre-highway 3, pre-Libby dam, pre-flood. A wild river called the Kootenay. A river allowed to travel its course from riverbank to riverbank, and back again. Constantly depositing precious gravel, spawning substrates and nutrients to feed the river system. An endless system, originating north of Kootenay National Park, crossing the border into Montana, and back again to rest for a time as Kootenay Lake before plunging into the Columbia River at Castlegar.
At times the landscape seems stark, without life. When the wind picks up it brings dust and debris. 2,444. The number is repeated over and over. This is the current height of the reservoir. This number dictates life here. Too little, and the water is out of reach. Too much, and favourite swimming and fishing holes are lost. It’s a constant struggle. All this amongst the need to produce hydroelectric power and mostly importantly, revenues. Revenues that don’t benefit the people the reservoir impacts the most. Past compensation agreements excluded the people of Koocanusa, left out the nutrient needs of the fish and the wildlife that depend on them.
But today, an engaged community hopes to change this. I am here with the field team from the East Kootenay Integrated Lake Management Partnership, a multi-stakeholder initiative that has been developing Shoreline Management Guidelines for East Kootenay lakes since 2006. With moral support from the Lake Koocanusa Community Council, and financial support from the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, we are conducting a Foreshore Inventory and Fish and Wildlife Habitat Assessment with the intention to develop guidelines that will protect the most sensitive habitat values of the lake.

To read the whole article and watch a short sighting of a Long Billed Curlew go to the link above.

What's Happening......

Friday July 31st
Saturday August 1st

East Kootenay Outdoor Club
Hike to Fisher Mtn.
Call Thomas 587-586-5320
Hike to Lakit Mtn and Ridge Walk
Call Tom 250-489-3543

Cranbrook Farmer's Market
10th Av. S 
9:00am 1:00pm
This beautiful lily named 'Tango' was found in one of Judy Walkers beautiful arrangements at last week's market

Summer Sounds
Rotary Park 11:00am - 2:00pm

Dancing in the Park
Rotary Park

Sunday August 2nd

Fort Steele
Doors open at 5pm
The site will be closed during the day to allow time to prepare for our evening event with...
  • The Lord Strathcona's Musical Ride, 
  • The Good 'Ole Goats, 
  • Sound Principle,
  • and much more!
For your convenience, our Gift Shop will remain open during normal operating hours, (10 - 5pm) AND our train will also be running from 11:30 to 4:30pm.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

$32.6 Million Mistake:The Revelstoke Mountaineer

MP David Wilks admits $32.6 million ‘mistake’ after Revelstoke Mountaineer investigation finds that an election season announcement of new federal infrastructure funding for Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks was padded with with projects from last year's budget that were already underway.

Monday, July 27, 2015

What kind of security do we want?

Harper Is Right: This Election Is about Security Versus Risk

It's our nation's ruthless economic insecurity that Canadians must weigh.
By Murray Dobbin, 24 Jul 2015, 

Stephen Harper chose the Calgary Stampede (now Rachel Notley country) to launch the theme of the now full-blown election campaign. Harper proclaimed he was confident that "this October Canadians will choose security over risk." Let's hope so. The question is, of course, what kind of security and risk are we talking about? Political language is never simple or straightforward. It is subject to sophisticated manipulation by professional word-smiths and public relations experts. The choice of what language to use is subject to hundreds of hours of deliberation and enormous resources, because if you get it right, you usually win. If you get it wrong, well, it's a lot harder. Getting it right means no one even suspects you of manipulating them.

Experts in the art of issue framing will tell you that those who frame an issue first have a huge advantage, because they force their opponents to reframe it -- in other words get you to take the time to reconsider what the words actually mean. Maybe that is why neither the Liberals nor the NDP have taken the trouble to challenge Harper's framing of the security issue as exclusively a foreign policy and military issue: security against terrorism.

That's unfortunate, because not only is Harper vulnerable on his own limited anti-terror grounds, he is extremely vulnerable when it comes to the kind of security that actually affects millions of Canadians. When it comes to economic and social security, the vast majority of Canadians haven't been this insecure since the Great Depression.

It's not as if we don't know the numbers -- 60 per cent of Canadians just two weeks away from financial crisis if they lose their job; record high personal indebtedness; real wages virtually flat for the past 25 years; a terrible work-life balance situation for most working people (and getting worse); labour standard protections that now exist only on paper; the second highest percentage of low-paying jobs in the OECD; young people forced into working for nothing on phony apprenticeships; levels of economic (both income and wealth) inequality not seen since 1928. Throw in the diminishing "social wage" (Medicare, education, home care, child care, etc.) and the situation is truly grim.

Go to the link above to read the entire article.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Twisted Stalk

While walking in the cool of a water drainage area in our local forests you might spot Twisted Stalk - it's red drooping berries at this time of year will draw your eye but if you can examine a real plant carefully, you will see why it is called Twisted Stalk.

Streptopus or Twisted Stalk

Saturday, July 25, 2015

If Terrace can.......

Tiny Homes: Inexpensive and Cute, but Livable?

Some swear by these 100 square-foot wonders. But Vancouver isn't convinced. Fourth in a series.
By Katie Hyslop, 22 Jul 2015, Tyee Solutions Society 

A small sign affixed beneath the window of Isabella Mori's tiny 186 square foot home speaks to its popularity in her Metro Vancouver trailer park. It reads: "Taking photos is fine but only from the sidewalk please."
You can understand Mori's shyness. When your living room moonlights as your front hall, kitchen, bedroom and office, having looky-loos peeking in the windows can be disconcerting...............

Villages heading to Terrace, Victoria
Almost a year and a half after opening their tiny home building business, the Fernie, B.C.-based Hummingbird Homes will open the first phase of its first tiny home "village" on Aug. 1 in Terrace.
"It ties in directly to... learning about more affordable housing options," says Hummingbird's "buzz builder," a.k.a. public relations/cheerleader, Ally Blake.
Hummingbird is turning 31 acres of Terrace property into a 30-home village with one standard-sized house for socializing, recreation and laundry facilities.
"There's obviously demand for lower price accommodation" in Terrace, said Blake, where the cost of a detached house can set you back half a million dollars or more.
Village tenants can either bring in their own tiny home for a short or long-term stay, or have Hummingbird build one for them. Units come with or without wheels for taking the house on the road, making moving much easier.
Living there long-term is the cheapest option: "$750 per month including most of the utilities, rather than paying $1,500-$2,000 for a one-bedroom [apartment]," said Blake

'CRANBROOK Then and Now' Launch

Those who enjoy Jim Cameron's 'Janus' column in the Townsman will be delighted to know his first book, "Cranbrook Then and Now' has been published.  The official book launch takes place on Thursday July 30th, 7:00pm at Lotus Books.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

What's Happening....

Saturday July 25th

Cranbrook Farmer's Market
adjacent to Rotary park
9:00- 1:00pm

Summer Sounds
Band Shell
Rotary Park
11:00am - 2:00pm

East Kootenay Outdoor Club
Hike to Hourglass Lake

Cranbrook and District Arts Council

Exhibit, 'Abstracts and Eccentrics'
Ongoing 'til month end

Registration for remaining summer camps
250-426-4223 on going.

July 27 - July 31st
Drawing, painting and visual mediums
9:00am - 4:00pm daily

August 10 - August 14 Fashion Camp

August 24 - August 28 Theatre

Cranbrook Library Display ongoing
Recycled useful items by
Barbara Haigh

Sunday August 2nd

Fort Steele
BC Day Celebrations
Tickets now available

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blast from the Past: Committees

Cranbrook Courier, November 1965
click to enlarge

Join the Discussion on Climate Action

B.C.'s climate action consultation began July 17th and is open until August 17th at 4:00pm.
From the website@
This is an opportunity to contribute your ideas and priorities for this next phase of climate action. Your input will be invaluable in helping us to develop the Climate Leadership Plan.
In December, you will have another chance to participate, in providing feedback on a more detailed draft plan.
In 2007, B.C. set greenhouse gas reduction targets based on the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world’s foremost authority on the subject.
Since then, much has been accomplished. We have introduced North America’s first revenue-neutral carbon tax and achieved carbon neutral government every year since 2010. We have started down a path to a low-carbon future.
In 2008, government launched the Climate Action Plan to take B.C. part way to meeting its reduction targets. The Climate Leadership Plan will build on that work and move the province closer to its long-term goals.
So please go ahead, read the Discussion Paper and then take the online survey.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hummer on Bergamot

The Humming Birds are busy in Cranbrook gardens right now.  Red never fails to attract these amazing little birds.  Scarlet Runner Bean flowers and Bergamot or Bee Balm flowers are two sure sources for the natural, energy giving nectar as well insects that they need, to do what they do.

love those feet

Blast from the Past: Disco Craze Hits Cranbrook

Cranbrook Courier
April 28 1965

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Colour Combos in the Garden

All in bloom now in Cranbrook.
Delphinium and Maltese Cross

Delphinium and Rudbeckia

Meadow Sweet,  Sidalcea and Sea Holly

Phlox, Yellow Foxglove and 'Parker Yellow' Yarrow

Sidalcea and Bergamot

Six Wisdoms

Six Wisdoms from Tyee's Evening with Harry Smith

Anti-austerity campaigner continues his Canadian tour. Here's a taste.
By Jes Hovanes, 9 Jul 2015,

Superstar anti-austerity campaigner Harry Leslie Smith continues his speaking tour across Canada this week, promoting his book Harry's Last Stand and sharing lessons from his experience surviving the Great Depression.
Harry weaves together political history and personal struggle, filling auditoriums across Canada and Britain. The Tyee hosted Harry for a conversation about Canada's future on June 16 in Vancouver. Here are six highlights from the event.

1. On social progress, history repeats
"I am 92, which is very old by anyone's standards. I should be able to look back and see great social progress since I was born, but I don't. Since the start of the 21st century I have seen this country and the rest of the Western world slip back to a society that reminds me of my boyhood.
"Today is starting to have that same edge, that same cruelty and the same divisions of those that have and those that have not, which polarized the 1920s and 1930s. It was those divisions in Europe and North America along with extreme poverty, perverted ideologies and lack of social safety network that were contributing factors in the Second World War, The Holocaust and ultimately Europe being divided by an iron curtain for over 50 years."

To read the remaining wisdoms from this article, go to the link above.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Climate Change Campaigners Went to Court and Won a Small Victory

Climate change: Is the Dutch court ruling 'a game changer'?

By Helen Briggs 
It reads like the script of a movie. Climate change campaigners go to court to force their government to take tougher action on greenhouse gas emissions.
But it became reality in a Dutch court on Wednesday, when a judge ruled that The Netherlands must do more to combat the threat of climate change.
As a low-lying country, the country is particularly vulnerable to flooding with around half of its territory - where much of its population lives - below sea level.
An effort is underway to upgrade the thousands of miles of dykes and dams that act as flood defences.
As the planet warms, scientists say these will no longer be able to hold up against rising sea levels.
And campaigners Urgenda, who brought the case, accuse the government of putting too much emphasis on mitigation rather than meeting international obligations to tackle greenhouse gas emissions.
The court said that the Dutch Government's current plan to reduce emissions by 17% by 2020 was less than the 25-40% international norm for industrialised nations.
Under the ruling, The Netherlands has to cut emissions by at least a quarter on 1990 levels by 2020.

Happy Parks Day

Thursday, July 16, 2015

CBC, The National - Do Our Cities Still Work?

A short documentary, 20 minutes.

Do our cities still work? | Our Canada

Over the last century, cities have been designed to accommodate the automobile. So, how do we redesign them to benefit people?

What's Happening.......

Friday July 17th

Cranbrook and District Arts Council
Reception for:
"Abstracts and Eccentrics"
The Gallery, 135, Tenth Avenue South
Open to the public

Saturday July 18th

Cranbrook Farmer's Market
9:00am - 1:00pm
Tenth Av. S.
adjacent to Rotary park

Summer Sounds
Rotary Park Band shell, 11:00am - 2:00pm

Fort Steele

Saturday Night on the Town

Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Need an evening away?
How about enjoying a steam train ride aboard the ‘1077',
Followed with a hearty home-cooked meal at our International Hotel Restaurant (cash bar available).
After dinner, its off to the Wildhorse Theatre for a live performance of “Pirate Queen of the Kootenays”.
             All Tickets ~  $35 + tax.

Kokanee Nature Investigators in 2015

Kokanee Nature Investigators returns for 2015!
Check out the schedule for our  Kokanee Nature Investigator (11- 16 year old scientists) programs.  How to keep a nature journal; Wildlife in Kokanee Creek Park; Tracking; Water: What’s in Kokanee Creek?; and Aboriginal Botany.  From 2:30 to 4:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays and every other Thursday.
We hope to see you there!
Just to get you interested – check out this collection of wildlife clips taken in Kokanee Creek over the past year.

Mountains of Opportunity: BC Summer Institute 2015

Attention Educators:  Join the Canadian Wildlife Federation and friends for magical mountain moments July 31-Aug. 9, 2015. You don’t want to miss this professional development experience in the Kootenay Rockies, British Columbia's Mountain Playground!

The 2015 Summer Institute will be offered in partnership with the College of the Rockies in Cranbrook. Highlights may include:
  • nature hikes
  • orchard tours
  • wildlife viewing
  • First Nations wisdom
  • artisan talks around the conservation of nature
  • cycling
  • culinary arts
  • and much more.

The 2015 Summer Institute is open to formal and non-formal educators for an anticipated non-credit registration fee of $2,500, tax included. This will cover field trips, most meals, and shared accommodations. Participants are required to pay for and book their own transportation to and from Cranbrook at the beginning and the end of the course; we recommend that you price flights in advance to get an idea of the cost.
From July  31 – August 9 (travel dates inclusive), field trips will be mixed with class time to provide a summer course that is both fun and informative. You will create a photo or video project based on your experiences AND earn a certificate of course completion.

CWF’s goal is to provide you with hands-on education in southeastern BC that you can’t wait to bring home to your students.
Find out more about the spectacular College of the Rockies!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cranbrook Council Meeting of July 13, 2015

The full agenda can be read at:
Click on each individual item to view.

The meeting can be viewed at:

Kingbird, another year, another family

This Idlewild, Kingbird family have now flown the nest. Thanks to Stewart Wilson for recording their progress.

Dinner menu - grasshopper and fly

Cooperative parenting


Monday, July 13, 2015

Pothole Proof Possibilities

Since the massive road building projects undertaken since the rise of the automobile's popularity mostly since the Second World War, roads have been proven to 'have a life.'  No country is immune even those with much milder climates such as the UK.

Council promises 'pothole proof' roads

More than 800 roads in Surrey are to be given "pothole proof" coatings over the next three years in an initiative to overhaul more than 300 miles of road.
The council, which is believed to be the first in the country to use the technique, has already lined up 177 roads to be rebuilt this year.
Engineers will rebuild the roads from scratch and then apply a pothole-resistant coating of special ‘Superflex’ asphalt that is highly water resistant and flexible.
By going back to the road’s foundations, engineers say they will also make the roads more resistant to vibrations and movement, meaning less damage.
A spokesman for the council said: “We are not just slapping on another coat of asphalt, we are digging up the road and going back to bare bones. We're relaying the entire foundations."
The council has in the past been criticised for having some of the worst potholed roads in the country.
Surrey earlier this year ranked top across the country for compensation pay outs to motorists whose cars had suffered pothole damage. Research by the RAC Foundation found motorists received a total of nearly £250,000 in successful pothole compensation claims from the local authority.
Drivers made 4,000 claims for damage, with the council paying out on 842 occasions. Across the country, nearly 50,000 motorists made claims, the foundation estimated.
A 2013 survey by the AA found more than a third of its members have suffered pothole damage to their cars in the previous two years.
Jason Russell, the council’s assistant director for highways, said: “We can’t go on papering over the cracks with quick fixes to tired old roads forever. 

McVittie House and Land Survey Office officially opened, Fort Steele

The culmination of nearly 25 years of work by Fort Steele Heritage Town, the Friends of Fort Steele, British Columbia Land Surveyors, Alberta Land Surveyors, Washington State Land Surveyors, volunteers, friends and families occurred on Saturday July 11th when the completed, restored, McVittie House and Land Survey Office were officially opened.   

Bob Allen representing the Land Survey Association of British Columbia acted as emcee for the event, giving an overview of the McVittie family history and introducing dignitaries.

This project has been a labour of love over many years from the time the residence was first moved by Alvin Townsend across the highway from its original location. 

Many of those who have been involved in the project over the years attended the official opening.  Although the house has been open for a few years, since the restoration of the fireplace, this was the first time many had seen the actual Land Survey Office.  A special presentation of a framed print of the original survey of the Fort Steele town site completed an historically accurate collection of artifacts, which furnish the office.

As part of the ceremony, long time dedicated volunteer Naomi Miller, who now frequently interprets in the McVittie House, was presented with a special token of appreciation for her work supporting this and many other heritage projects in the area.

Friday, July 10, 2015

BC all but gives away water

Drought-Parched BC All but Gives away Water
$250 fine you pay for lawn water could buy 111 million litres for Nestle or frackers.
By Bill Tieleman, 7 Jul 2015, 

As British Columbians face increasing water use restrictions due to a heat wave, forest fires and drought, the province must answer why it is charging bottled water companies only $2.25 per million litres taken from B.C. sources.
Or why companies using huge amounts of water for hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" to extract oil and natural gas also pay just $2.25 a million litres.
And with Nestle bottling 265 million litres of B.C water a year for the princely sum of just $596.25 while customers pay $2.25 for each bottle in some places, Brabeck-Letmathe's controversial comments that water is a "foodstuff" that should have a "market value" deserve more attention.

Go to the link above to read the entire article.

Fire Update, Friday July 10

Update #9

Baynes Lake Fire (N10269)

·         Update: This fire is 100% contained.  Crews are continuing to mop up hot spots. The Southeast Fire Centre is no longer considering this as a “Fire of Note”.  Unless a significant change occurs, there will be no further updates on this fire.
·         Forecast:  The forecast is calling for the chance of thunderstorms this afternoon with possible gusty winds of up to 60 km/hr. There may be limited precipitation in some areas.  More active thunderstorms are forecast for the weekend which may bring more significant showers.  Fire Danger is rated as “High”.
·         Alerts and Orders:
o    None.  All alerts and orders have been rescinded.

Spillimacheen Fire

·         Size: 54 hectares - no growth.
·         Location:  The fire is burning next to the Highway north of Spillimacheen.
·         Update:  This fire is classified as 100% contained.  Because of the proximity to the highway, BC Wildfire Service crews will be continuing to reinforce the containment until they are 100% confident the containment will hold.
·         Resources:  31 firefighters
·         Alerts and Orders:
o    An Evacuation ALERT remains in place for the area south of the RDEK Boundary, east of Columbia River south to Westside Road in Spillimacheen.
Wildfires can impact backcountry recreation, resulting in area closures or restrictions. Campers and provincial park visitors should check with BC Parks for fire restrictions and closures.  Recreation site and trail users should check with Recreation Sites and Trails BC before making plans.  Please share this information with your neighbours.
·         A Province-wide fire ban remains in effect.
·         If you spot smoke, flames or an unattended campfire, Call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on your cell.
·         NEXT UPDATE: Saturday, July 11/15 early evening (unless there is a significant change)

Tracy Van de Wiel, Information Officer

Heritage Awards move to Heritage Week


The Heritage BC Awards will now take place during Heritage Week

The Heritage BC Awards are moving. Shifting from our annual conference in October we have shifted our popular Awards Program to become part of Heritage Week in February 2016.
The Heritage BC Awards Program recognizes achievement by individuals, associations, businesses, and governments in the field of heritage conservation and awareness. We celebrate the stories and images about award-winning conservation projects, advocacy & planning initiatives, interesting books and the dedicated people who bring heritage alive.
We are very much looking forward to the awards becoming part of the annual Heritage Week offerings. Nominations will open this fall. Keep an eye on our social media for announcements!

Six Feet of Snow

Cranbrook Courier, Jan 6 1965

Click to enlarge

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Accessibility grant benefits Kelowna but Cranbrook’s much larger grant sits idle

KELOWNA, BC, April 10, 2015 /CNW/ - The Honourable Candice Bergen, Minister of State for Social Development, and the Honourable Ron Cannan, Member of Parliament for Kelowna–Lake Country, today announced improved access for Canadians with disabilities to programs and services in their community.
The Starbright Children's Development Centre is receiving just over $3,000 from the Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) to improve accessibility for Canadians with disabilities. The funding will be used to install electric door mechanisms at two of the Centre's main entrances to improve access to the building in a safe way.

Cranbrook had the opportunity to improve accessibility to Firehall No 1 with a $50,000 grant obtained by the Cranbrook and District Arts Council in the fall of 2014, for that purpose.  Cranbrook City Council’s decision to sell the Firehall means those dollars will very soon need to be returned to the government unused.  Meanwhile the Firehall sits empty with no improvements having been made since the asbestos was removed in 2014 under the Memorandum of Understanding that was part of the Arts Council Agreement.

Local Election Expense Limit Recommendations, Report Released

In October 2014, the Legislative Assembly appointed an all-party Special Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits with a two-part mandate: first, to examine and make recommendations on principles for local election expense limits; and, second, to examine and make recommendations by June 12, 2015 on expense limit amounts for candidates and third party advertisers. The Committee issued its first report on December 15, 2014, recommending that the principles of fairness, neutrality, transparency and accountability inform the development of legislation on expense limits for candidates, elector organizations, and third party advertisers. The Committee also recommended that third party advertising be included in an expense limits framework, with an overarching, cumulative limit as exists in provincial elections. The Committee’s report was presented to the Legislative Assembly on February 11, 2015.

To read the entire document, go to the link above.

What's Happening........

Saturday July 11th

Cranbrook Farmer's Market

Tenth Avenue South
9:00 am- 1:00pm

Fort Steele

This Saturday (July 11th at 1:30) is the Grand Opening of the McVittie House and Land Surveying Office at Fort Steele.
This project has been ongoing since 1992 and has been a joint project between the Association of British Columbia Land Surveyors,
Fort Steele Heritage Town and The Friends of Fort Steele.  All are welcome.  

Monday July 13

Cranbrook Council Meeting
6:00pm Council Chambers
Open to the public

Ongoing to July 31st

Cranbrook and District Arts Council Gallery
Abstracts and Eccentrics Exhibit

Register now for CDAC's Summer Art Camp Programs

Summer Sounds
Every Wednesday 6:00-8:00pmand Saturday 11:00am -2;00pm
Rotary Park Cranbrook
Schedule - see side bar

Past and Recent History of Residential Schools and Reconciliation

More background:
Residential Schools and Reconciliation

By Dr. J.R. Miller
“Reconciliation” is a word that has gained great currency of late. It has been frequently used in discussions surrounding the Idle No More movement during the winter of 2012-13. But the term has a longer history in discussions in Canada concerning Native-newcomer relations. Notably, Chief Justice Antonio Lamer in the Supreme Court of Canada’s rulings in both the Van der Peet and Delgamuukw cases in 1996-97 made the point that the purpose of Section 35 of the constitution adopted in 1982 was “the reconciliation of the pre-existence of aboriginal societies with the sovereignty of the Crown.” That conception of the place of reconciliation in Canadian life is also relevant to the topic of residential schools and their legacy.

Although the history of government-First Nations relations contains many policies for which reconciliation is necessary, none is more significant than the residential schools that four Christian churches ran on behalf of the Department of Indian Affairs (DIA). In general, DIA policies from the 1880s until at least the 1960s interfered with First Nations’ culture and practices in the area of governance, land tenure, spiritual observances, and economic development. Although some of these measures had unforeseen and unintended positive effects – such, as stimulating resistance to colonialism among First Nations leaders – collectively their overall impact was decidedly negative. Their net effect was to reinforce the idea that the majority of the Canadian population did not respect or value Indigenous ways and beliefs. Residential schools similarly delivered the message that non-Natives did not think highly of their society to First Nations youths, and accompanied the denigrating view with widespread neglect, abuse, and substandard pedagogy. Historically, residential schools have been the worst of a phalanx of government policies that damaged First Nations society and created the conditions that make reconciliation a pressing national necessity in twenty-first-century Canada.

For the full article go to the link above.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fire Update July 7, pm

Good afternoon everyone.  Here is the update.  They are making good progress on things.
With the potential for gusting winds this afternoon, we will be watching the weather closely.

Baynes Lake Fire (N10269)

·        Update: Fire is now classified as being 75% contained and is mapped at 117 hectares.  The burn off yesterday on the southwest corner of the fire went well and helped created a containment line. They are focusing on the southeast corner of the fire today.  The Rocky Mountain Unit Crew that has been on the fire is getting relieved by a Sustained Action Crew that has been brought in from Ontario.
·        Forecast:  The forecast is calling for the chance of a thunderstorm system to cross the area. If that system materializes, it could have gusting NW winds of 60 km/hr.  There may be limited precipitation (showers) with that system.
·        Resources:  47 firefighters, 4 pieces of heavy equipment, helicopters and tankers as needed today. 
·        Alerts and Orders:
o   Evacuation ALERT - Baynes Lake, Kragmont and South:  An evacuation ALERT remains in place for Baynes Lake and the area previously under Order (the area south of 1347 Waldo Road, including the community of Kragmont and an area south of the river). 
Spillimacheen Fire

·        Size: 54 hectares - no growth.
·        Location:  Classified as 30% contained. It is burning in an area next to the Highway north of Spillimacheen.  It continues to be active on the north side. They are continuing to work on increasing containment.
·        Resources:  43 firefighters, 5 heavy equipment and aerial support. The RDEK’s Windermere Fire Department Structural Protection Unit has protected two homes close to the blaze.
·        Alerts and Orders:
o   Evacuation ORDER:  An evacuation ORDER remains in place for one home north of Spillimacheen.
o   Evacuation ALERT: An alert is in place for the area south of the RDEK Boundary, east of Columbia River south to Westside Road in Spillimacheen.
·        A Province-wide fire ban remains in effect.
·        Next update: Wednesday, July 8/15 mid-afternoon (unless there is a significant change)



Open Garden Day, 2015

Some of the area's lovely gardens were celebrated on Sunday July 5th, when they were open to the public.

Over two hundred attended the annual event this year.  It is thanks to the Garden Club and the generosity of home owners that this special annual day is possible.  This year the gardens of, Dean and Rainey Latham, Rick Ferrier and Corrine Holden, Don and Janice Adrian, Victoria Robinson and Peter Johnson, Rose Uri, Barbara and David Stuckenberg and David and Gloria Urban were enjoyed.

Visitors were able to appreciate some unique hard landscaping and gain knowledge of plants they may not have grown themselves but might like to try in the future.

Proceeds go to garden club projects, which over time have included the City's hanging baskets, bulbs for city gardens, fruit trees at Fort Steele and other City of Cranbrook beautification initiatives.

photos in no particular order