Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Post Notes for the Council Meeting of January 23, 2012

This meeting is now available to watch at:


5.1 Chris Alying gave an update from the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan Committee (More commonly known as Cranbrook Connected). Cranbrook Connected is hiring a co-ordinator who will work on several key tasks including creating a sustainability checklist, developing a communications plan, helping to develop a set of criteria for an annual award and community event, as well as developing connections and relationships in the communities between other social and cultural agencies. Cranbrook Connected will concentrate on several of the Big Ideas identified in their report including "Water Forever" and Revitalization of  the Downtown Core or "Restore the Core"

5.2 Nathan Lieuwen, from the Kootenay Ice requested City support for 2nd annual Family Faith Night (February 11)
While all councillors agreed it was a great event for the city some expressed their discomfort with providing money to a "faith" based event. Councillor Warner was concerned that it would open the door to other faith groups who would also expect money from the City. Lieuwen felt that it was a family event which deserved City support.


9.1 In response to the correspondence from Dean and Jennifer Siewert, Mayor Stetski stated that the City was making every effort to encourage economic development in the City including Downtown Revitalization, a Committee for Hwy3, and requesting the Chamber of Commerce to provide information regarding ways in which the City could make it easier for small business in our community.
9.2 In response to Heath Slee, UCBM President regarding Cranbrooks membership in UCBM is was agreed that Cranbrook would renew its membership.
9.6  Ron Miles, Chair of Family Faith Night II requesting $554.50 in funding from the City generated a significant amount of discussion. While Council supports the event they were not willing to support the administration recommendation to provide the event with City monies.  Councillor's Davis and Cross agreed that they could not support the City providing funding for this event. Councillor Scott felt that the faith group should consider fundraising. Only two of Council supported the recommendation, Councillor Pallesen and Mayor Stetski. The rest of Council voted against the recommendation
9.7 Council unanimously supported that February 11, 2012 be proclaimed as Kootenay Ice Family Faith Night II.
9.8 Council unanimously supported a proclamation that May 13-19 be declared "Drinking Water Week"

Administration Update

The largest issue discussed in the Administration Update was the removal of snow from sidewalks and if a bylaw was something that the City should be looking at. Since there is no bylaw requiring the citizens of Cranbrook to remove the snow from their sidewalks there is no enforceability. Mayor Stetski was specifically concerned about the routes most taken by Senior Citizens and perhaps the areas that they used most could be prioritized. CAO Will Pearce pointed out that Seniors live in many different parts of the City. Mayor Stetski indicated that he was most concerned with areas around the Green Home and other Srs. housing areas. Councillor Cross asked if the City was using "crusher dust" on our roads and sidewalks. CAO Will Pearce indicated that the City did not use crusher dust but rather gravel, sand and salt. Councillor Cross asked Councillor Scott for more information regarding the Snow Angels program which last year did not have enough volunteers to successfully run the program. Both Councillor Cross and Scott agreed that more people had cleared their sidewalks this year than last. Council requested a map of areas that are already having snow removed by the City.

Business Arising

10.1 Report Recommendation from the Engineering Department re: Development Cost Charges
The discussion around this particular issue was somewhat confusing so there was a motion to defer the policy direction.  Most of Council felt that they needed more time to understand this very important issue which will have a significant impact on the amount of money the City collects from developers. Council was offered 2 options by Administration. Presently, the City of Cranbrook required developers to pay $2,032.00 per lot which is much less than it actually costs us to provide a lot with City services. One of the recommended rates, which is mentioned in the Growth Management Study for a single residential home in Cranbrook is $11,409 per lot.
Councillor Cross suggested that the options be deferred until the next meeting as she required more time to understand this important and complicated issue. Councillor Whetham, who had concerns about the assist rates, also supported a deferal. Council did not want to commit to administrations options if they could not alter the percentage of "assists" among other issues.

Committee Recommendations

11.1 CAO recommendations for the Cranbrook -Kimberley North Star Rail to Trails included installing fireproof garbage cans as well as creating a by-law restricting motorized vehicle use.

New Business

12.1 Councillor Angus Davis is appointed as alternate to the Ktunaxa Kinbasket Treaty Advisory Committee
12.2 Councillors Davis, Scott and Whetham are appointed as City representatives on the CBT Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs grant approval committee.
12.3 2012 Draft Business Plan was supported by Council.


13.1 Zoning Bylaw No. 3737, 2012 (first, second reading) Carried Unanimously
13.2 Report Recommendation OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 3739, 2011 (second reading) Carried Unanimously.


  1. A pleasure to read through such detailed update of last night's Council Meeting.

  2. Thanks you as always for gathering together these notes. Great service to our community. One quick clarification. Cranbrook Connected isn't concentrating on those two Big Ideas only. They were provided as examples only of where goals within those Ideas have already been achieved. There are a number of other examples that could be mentioned, but the 10 minute presentation format demands concision to some extent.

    What is or is not a focus for Cranbrook Connected will depend on what our community decides that it wants to take on. This is a community plan that was developed in consultation with the community and should be implemented by our community.

    There are a number of goals that are ready-made for community groups in town. To take the Water Forever idea, you will see that addressing rehabilitation of our local creeks is given as a goal. There is at least one group in town that has formed to do just that. Great opportunity to partner with Cranbrook Connected to develop a clear framework and targets around upgrading the quality of our local streams.
