Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Art Celebration 2011, May 12 & 13 at Gordon Terrace Elementary School

Councillor Bob Whetham at Art Celebration 2011
It was a real treat to enter Gordon Terrace School during its Celebration of the Arts. The hallways were all decorated and colourful, leading into the auditorium, which was full with artwork. Students and teachers have infused the arts into their curriculum for two very good reasons: research backs up the effectiveness of arts-based learning and they have personally discovered that student learning is enhanced with this methodology.

Studies have confirmed that students involved in arts based learning are strong in their abilities to express thoughts and ideas, exercise their imaginations and take risks in learning. These competencies also emerged in other non-arts subject areas such as science, math and language. Studies show that students involved in arts-based learning develop their ability to think creatively and flexibly, imagine ideas and problems from different perspectives and layer on thought upon another as part of a process of problem solving. This year many classes were fortunate to have artists come on board and team teach arts-based lessons. Other teachers have utilized their own expertise and passion to bring arts-based learning to life in their classrooms. This is a journey the school has embarked on because many of the staff see the positive feedback we receive from our students. This is learning made fun!

Vice-Principal Michelle Sartorel said that every student in the school has at least one piece of art in the exhibit. The creative dance video was produced with the help of a choreographer (Trina Rasmussen of Vert Dans).

Joseph Cross was very impressed by the abstract art. He indicated that it “has all the elements of a professionally produced piece of art.” Sharon Cross felt that “there is a real creative force in this school.”
Councillor Bob Whetham (also a good artist) was very inspired to see the creative work that is being done by the entire school. “There is a really exciting and supportive environment being created here” he said.

Well done Gordon Terrace!


  1. Dear Mr. Cross thank you for enjoying our art work. We had fun doing our art work. from Emily Sartorel. I am in grade 3.

  2. Great to see such a variety of art work!!
