Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Billboards for the Keeping

There has been considerable comment as a result of the editorial a few days ago concerning the Council decision to keep the clause in the City's draft sign bylaw, which allows existing billboards to remain as a form of Cranbrook signage.  We at the Cranbrook Guardian happen to disagree with the decision made at the June 10th Council meeting to keep existing billboards.  However the decision has almost been made (It must still go through formal readings)and now the best we can hope for is that these billboards  transform themselves, unless of course, this is what you feel makes our town attractive.

As a point of interest - this statement was included the Council package recommendations from City staff.

2. Billboards
As per Council's direction, regulations were drafted and included in the draft bylaw which would allow billboards in the City. In staffs opinion, the proposed regulations as presented provide a compromise with respect to billboard use by recognizing and allowing existing signs at existing locations to be maintained or replaced in accordance with the regulations. This would provide incentive and opportunity for existing deteriorating billboards to be replaced with new signs to updated standards.
It is noted that in 2005, the previous Council had adopted a bylaw amendment to the current sign control bylaw to prohibit billboards as it was noted that "billboard signs produce strong visual impacts that may detract from neighbouring development and scenic qualities of surrounding natural landscape features". It was further noted that "Previous review of the Sign Control Bylaw had raised concerns over billboards in the City with a recommendation to prohibit them. This is further supported by recommendations from "Advancing Cranbrook Revitalization".
Staff feels that the concerns raised in 2005 are still valid today and does not recommend proceeding with integrating billboards as an allowable form of signage in the City as the proposed bylaw allows for a number of new forms of permissible signs including portable signs, sandwich board signs and electronic changeable copy signs.


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks for posting them.

    What do visitors think when they see them???

    What do our citizens think???

    Are they as shocked, embarrassed and saddened as I am???

  2. Take a better look, while the billboards are not the most beautiful part of the pictures....there certainly are other issues. The billboards can be repaired/beautified - I'm not so sure about the piles of firewood on private property or a broken down old pick up truck. It's easy to pick on the signs but I'm not sure the pictures posted above look much different without them...

  3. Im glad this was brought up. The City prohibited billboards a number of years ago which made these existing signs now legal non conforming. I agree these are an eyesore... but under the original sign bylaw and the original draft bylaw there was nothing to address improving these legal non conforming signs. This would lead to no legislation for change to these existing billboards depicted above. Im sure the 20 public proponents did not catch this in the original draft bylaw or they would have not offered their full support of the original draft.

    The recommendations by the Chamber and City Staff provide wordings to allow these signs to be upgraded. I think the blog authors should read the entire staff report to gain a full understanding. The new bylaw draft strikes a good balance for potential improvements to these signs...the alternative in the original draft was to leave them as is... Once a sign is deemed legal non conforming it can remain until such time as a permit is applied for. The choice...leave it as is (original draft bylaw) or allow provisions prohibiting for no new billboards but allow the existing ones legislative tools to upgrade and improve aesthetics (new draft bylaw).

    Judging by the blog authors post she indicates that these signs should still be prohibited but fails to understand that they would be considered legal non conforming if we continue to prohibit them. This is not what I want to see, I want to see city regulation that provides incentive and encouragement for aesthetic improvements. Allowing provisions for upgrades within the bylaw would be that encouragement, keeping the prohibition would simply keep the status quo on these particular billboards. Keeping in mind that there are no enforcement tools to force legal non conforming signs to be removed.

  4. We have read the report and wonder then, why did staff recommend not integrating billboards?
    "Staff feels that the concerns raised in 2005 are still valid today and does not recommend proceeding with integrating billboards as an allowable form of signage in the City as the proposed bylaw allows for a number of new forms of permissible signs including portable signs, sandwich board signs and electronic changeable copy signs."
    We don't pretend to know all there is about the legalities here but it would seem common sense might be a good start.
    They may be legal non-conforming now but if billboards are removed from the list of permitted signs and deemed illegal - would they not need to be removed because they would be in contravention of the new bylaw? It might come down to bylaw enforcement. What is the point of a bylaw if there is nothing to enforce it with? There is no time limit that I have seen in the permissible time to upgrade these blots on the landscape, so they could sit there for another 20 years unless of course they qualify under the unsightly (dangerous?) premises bylaw and maybe that should be enforced. A vehicle that can be driven but is not road worthy would be removed from the road by the authorities. These signs could be used but in my opinion are not worthy and need to be removed!
    Obviously we will never all agree on this issue - good discussion though and thank you for your input - are you a planner?

  5. Your comment that states "may be legal non-conforming now but if billboards are removed from the list of permitted signs and deemed illegal-..." would not be correct. They do not become illegal as they at one time or another complied with a bylaw prior. The issue becomes one of legal non-conforming nature provided that the original billboards were constructed in accordance to the bylaw of the day. So my previous comments I believe still apply.

    Bylaws are complex and change over time and legal non-conforming and illegal are often confused by the general public. Just because a bylaw changes, does not mean that all existing signage must be immediately complied with. Once a permit is applied for then the new Bylaws would apply.

    The way staff found a balance now allows the opportunity for improvement to these signs without allowing any new billboard signage within the City. This does not necessarily mean that those particular sign owners will upgrade but the tools are there for them now to make improvements rather than letting them detiorate further. I think it is an excellent compromise that allows for aesthetic improvement. You cannot force these existing signs down unless they are deemed unsafe or fall under the provisions of the unsightly premise bylaw.

  6. I completely agree with anonymous. The way that staff has now formatted the bylaw allows for the possibility of aesthetic improvement. Simply making the billboards prohibited would not do that. As a matter of fact, it would likely make things less aesthetic. It is a good compromise and good step in improving the visual appeal of the city the way the draft has now been worded as opposed to the way the writer of this blog seemed to think could work. Unfortunately, her way doesn't work to improving the aesthetics of the city.

  7. Billboards should be allowed, just make rules for keeping them looking acceptable. The one that looks like a stick frame should be thrown out for sure, we can't have a bunch of signage looking like that... it's just sad looking.
    Billboards can be helpful, attractive, and bring in more business to local companies thus increase Cranbrook's economy.
    Maybe we could replace the billboard signs with digital display signs or flip panel billboards?

  8. I wish I could be as optimistic as you in thinking the new lease on life these billboards have been given will make any difference to their appearance! These relics have been reintegrated and will be legal again. Little chance of having them removed now unless they are taxed maybe?!
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this beholder has never found any 'in your face' billboard attractive or inviting to the business using it. I admit it was my wish and many others wish to see these structures removed completely. Alas, it looks like it is not to be and we must move on for now. Thanks for all the input.

    1. You should make a rule that all billboard signs should be maintained (like cleaned and replaced if ink is all faded or decals are falling off) if not maintained they have to take them down.
      Anything in life looks bad is no work is done to maintain it. example: cars are good, but if you don't clean or use that car and leave it on the side of your driveway for 15 years... people around your house will complain! Because it wouldn't look very nice!

      Billboards are big to get attention of drivers and people far away. If made to look good and are maintained correctly they can have a great impact on customers and therefor local business. The city should create a bylaw that limits to a size of billboard that is large but not gigantic. There has to be a happy medium for great impact of signage advertising and keeping the Society okay with it.

  9. I believe the billboards in Cranbrook provide a sense of character, honor , and dexterity to the culture of Cranbrook. Without the billboards the passion Cranbrook has for culture will fall into the center of the earth. Thus, causing a rebellion among mankind....Thus, I think that we should triple the amount of billboards in Cranbrook!

    1. Not just billboards, let us add massive digital displays!!! They are the future! Bring Cranbrook into the future, lets help make us New Vegas!

  10. I can see your issue with the billboards that you have taken photos of. Many of those are eyesores, and should not be standing. But you have not shown the other side of the argument, the picturesque billboards that do exist in cranbrook. The ones that look good, and are informative. You are biasing your self to one side, and attempting to push your focused opinion on others. I for one, think that the greenery that is being put everywhere is an eyesore, blocking my views of roads and corners, which makes it dangerous to drive. But you don't see me starting a webpage to fight for my own personal biased thoughts.
