
Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Chamber and the NDP Dilemma

A Chamber of Commerce executive who wants to run for the New Democrats in the B.C. election next May has been told she will lose her job if she wins the party nomination in the riding of Chilliwack.

The dilemma of open partisanship for Chambers of Commerce is certainly not new as we found out recently in Cranbrook when our local Chamber did not host a business audience to hear Adrian Dix, Leader of the Opposition.  The question of whether local government should fund openly partisan organisations such as a Chamber will not go away and increasingly other decisions of some Chambers of Commerce are also being questioned.  It would seem times are changing and considering many Chambers in the Province may be working with a different government after May, one would think it might be in their best interest to show interest in forging relationships with those people they may possibly need to work with in the future.


  1. The President of the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce clearly stated that partisanship had absolutely nothing to do with the decision to not accept Adrian Dix's request to speak to the Chamber membership. I take the President at her word as I know the authors of this blog do also, the alternative would be to call her a liar, and I don't think any one is suggesting that are they? Secondly, if you read the article the issue of conflict of interest is clearly at the heart of the Chilliwack Chamber's intent: “It is in the best interest of the membership of the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce for Ms. MacAhonic to step aside from her role to avoid any possible or perceived conflict of interest or breach of Chamber Policy,” This statement was made by the Chamber President, is it the intent of the authors of this blog to disregard this statement in favor of the suggestion that he too is not being honest? In addition, if integrity is to be the main consideration, as it should be, will the authors of this blog clearly state that they are supporters of the NDP when making these statements and that they can count the local NDP candidate as a Past President? There has not been one positive story regarding our local MLA, the Liberal Party or any issue forwarded that has not been panned by the provincial NDP, that has appeared on this blog. If you are going to discuss integrity and transparency then I believe it should start at home.

    Ken Dunsire

    1. Mr. Dunsire, you are correct in stating that Norma Blissett was the President of Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook. We cannot tell you that the authors of this blog are supporters of the NDP because we know some are and some are not. You hopefully would agree that what really matters with any issue is to seek all the facts to enable the formation of the best personal opinion. The editors of this blog select stories, which conform to our mission statement. We like to provide extra information around issues when and where we find it necessary. We enjoy receiving comment from people such as yourself, as it is our opinion that good debate brings about better governance. We are not obliged to cover every event or even the work of our MLA.

  2. I am appalled that the CLC blog authors continue to perpetuate what they clearly know is not true. This is a continued effort by this organization to continually discredit the Chamber of Commerce based on heresay, innuendo but never quoting the actual facts that they have been fully apprised of.

    Now to say there is something wrong with Chilliwacks decision. I daresay that if it was a Chamber executive director who won the nomination for the Liberal Party...your organization would be the first to declare partisanship and would want a resignation. If the Chilliwack director wins the party nomination it is a clear conflict and standard protocol to resign.

    Your organization is blog posting and providing community information that we all find useful but your authors need to adopt some form of journalistic integrity in these postings to ensure that the "Whole Story" is actually that.

    I see these continued misleading stories as rumour mongering and inciting divisional lines in this community which is not healthy. We are all volunteering to bring the best out in our community...please suprise me in 2013 and write something positive or something that will bridge these divisional lines you have created by misleading your readers with information that does not contain all the facts but specifically omits them.

  3. Anonymous - Thank you for your input. If, on any of our blog topics, you have verified facts to contribute - you are welcome to do so.
