Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thinking about Literacy

Friday January 27th was Family Literacy Day.  Education Minister George Abbott and MLA Bennett toured several Cranbrook Schools that day.

When Minister Abbott spoke to primary students at Gordon Terrace Elementary School on Family Literacy Day, he asked if any had listened to a rap by Julian Smith titled, ‘I’m reading a Book’. He even quoted a few lines in rap rhythm and received an ovation for doing so. It was interesting that none of the students raised their hands when asked if they knew this song and the ovation would indicate most parents also were oblivious to it..

After posting the video for a few hours we received the lyrics from a teacher with a discriminating ear and some good critical thinking skills. On first listen, it is easy to dismiss the song as just a gimmick and tune it out if it is not your taste in music.

We must wonder how closely the minister had listened to this song and whether he had just been fed some lines by staff. This song and its lyrics may be considered by some as one avenue for encouraging literacy with some students. However there are many ways, which dedicated teachers, parents and students are well tapped into. One of the more mature reading skills to learn is that of critical thinking. It is not so much the fact and fiction, which is difficult to evaluate in this song as maybe language. On the one hand offering a lure into reading but with a bullying overtone? Hmm. What do you think? Older students may well laugh at this but would young students?

If you wish to evaluate the song for yourself, apply some critical thinking skills and decide for which audience, it might be most appropriate, here it is. Lyrics can be downloaded easily through a search.

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