
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

School's Out!

Congratulations to all the students and teachers who embark on some well earned rest and rejuvenation today. For the Grade twelve students the day has a great significance but the excitement is no less felt by those graduating from Elementary School to Junior High and those graduating from Junior High to High School. Summer will provide a time for individual reflection and thoughts of new directions but the end of the school year is celebrated by all students coming together in assemblies and group activities. It is a special time.

One such activity at Gordon Terrace involved both the students of Gordon Terrace and some students at the High School. The Grade 6 students at Gordon Terrace with the help of Mount Baker students made enough wooden tree cutouts for all the students at Gordon Terrace. After each student decorated their tree it was fixed to the school fence as a way to show passers by that they, all the students and teachers of Gordon Terrace, are proud to be as green as they can be. A school composting program, a no idling policy, creek stewardship, native planting at Elizabeth Lake and many other environmentally focused activities are just some of the projects about which the staff and students can be proud.  It's not easy being green and we appreciate all your hard work and help in being more environmentally sensitive.

Have a great summer students and teachers.

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