I would like to see Kyoto die. Kyoto has taken the focus off real environmental issues that are much more urgent such as pollution of our water, land and air. A classic example is Ontario Premier McGunity canceling the installation of emission controls (scrubbers and precipitators) from coal fired power plants in 2005 on the idea that the plants would be closed to reduce carbon emissions. However, Ontario cannot find reliable replacement electrical power so the coal plants will be running until at least 2014 but probably till 2025. Meanwhile the air is being polluted with sulphur and nitrogen oxides plus particulates. The oxides cause acid rain and NY state is attempting to sue Canada under the acid rain treaty. Ontario should have worried about real pollution instead of Kyoto and installed the pollution control equipment.
I would like to see Kyoto die. Kyoto has taken the focus off real environmental issues that are much more urgent such as pollution of our water, land and air. A classic example is Ontario Premier McGunity canceling the installation of emission controls (scrubbers and precipitators) from coal fired power plants in 2005 on the idea that the plants would be closed to reduce carbon emissions. However, Ontario cannot find reliable replacement electrical power so the coal plants will be running until at least 2014 but probably till 2025. Meanwhile the air is being polluted with sulphur and nitrogen oxides plus particulates. The oxides cause acid rain and NY state is attempting to sue Canada under the acid rain treaty. Ontario should have worried about real pollution instead of Kyoto and installed the pollution control equipment.